Thermalright Silver King 1g

  • Tình trạng: Mới 100%
  • Bảo hành: 0
  • Xuất xứ: Chính hãng
  • Thương hiệu: Thermalright
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Thông tin Sản Phẩm

Không sử dụng với tản nhiệt Nhôm

THERMALRIGHT Silver King is the first heat conducting medium, which is worthy of its name. It is the first thermal compound that consists of 100% liquid metal alloy. It is liquid at room temperature (like mercury), but it is absolutely non-toxic and has a high moistening ability for several materials apart from aluminum. The THERMALRIGHT Silver King is especially recommended for nickel-plated copper.

THERMALRIGHT Silver King contains no non-metallic additives (like silicone, oxides, etc.) at all. It also does not contain any solid particles. Due to these properties, THERMALRIGHT Silver King surpasses the best high-performance heat conducting pastes by a multiple. This product for overclockers and gaming players. Do not use with Aluminum.


Thermal Conductivity(W / m-k) 79
Color Silver
Specific Gravity (25℃) 6.77
Useable Temperature Range -3℃ / + 140℃
Content 1g
Electrically Conductive YES
Harmless YES

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